My thesis focused on how people engage in embodied mindfulness and forms of therapeutic self-soothing that can lead to positive mental health outcomes. The tattoos were an important part of this project as there is much evidence in the psychological field that somatic actions can have a lasting, positive, psychological impact especially when combined with mindfulness practices. However, the field of psychology often dismisses or completely ignores, Indigenous teachings and the cultural importance of tattoos. Ignoring these vital aspects of the art stigmatizes and creates discrimination surrounding body modifications and markings. Tattoos are only just beginning to be seen as a tool for good in the field of somatic psychology. In my thesis, temporary tattoos served as the somatic, or bodily, experience to the participants. They were asked to reflect on the meaning the tattoo had in their personal life throughout the time it was on their body. Each tattoo was delivered with mindfulness messages alongside temporary tattoos, 24 designs and messages in total.